148 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut 06810
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Collins Hannafin, P.C

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Call to speak with an attorney at
Collins Hannafin, P.C

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Criminal Law in Connecticut

Greater Danbury criminal defense attorneys

No one ever believes that they will be the target of a criminal investigation or arrested for allegedly committing a crime. If you are facing jail time, you are facing a serious situation that may have ramifications for a lifetime. Criminal convictions may result in incarceration, loss of a job, loss of personal relationships, and a number of other losses. No one should face these possibilities alone. At Collins Hannafin, P.C., our attorneys will advise you of your constitutional rights and vigorously defend your rights, whether during a criminal investigation or after you have been arrested and charged with a crime.

If you are being investigated by the police for whatever reason, our attorneys will evaluate the facts of your case, answer your questions, and review any options that may be available to you. A suspect has the right to refuse to cooperate with a police investigation. After reviewing your case, we can determine if working with the police is in your best interest or to what degree your cooperation benefits you.

After you’ve been arrested, you should seriously consider hiring an attorney. At Collins Hannafin, our attorneys will work very hard to ensure that you understand the severity of the charges that have been brought against you, the elements of each charge, and what your options are. You may be eligible for a diversionary program. Frequently, programs are available to juveniles, first time offenders, and those with mental health issues. Other cases may require us to do some investigation, negotiate plea agreements, or defend you at trial. Whatever your situation is, let us represent you.

Our firm regularly represents adults and/or juveniles who have been charged with motor vehicle charges, misdemeanors and/or felonies. Charges vary but often include operating under the influence (OUI/ DWI / DUI), reckless driving and other serious motor vehicle offenses, larceny, burglary, assault, and family violence charges.

Contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer at Collins Hannafin, P.C. today.


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