148 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut 06810
Call to speak with an attorney at
Collins Hannafin, P.C

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Call to speak with an attorney at
Collins Hannafin, P.C

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Divorce Attorneys in Greater Danbury Representing Spouses for More Than Five Decades

We offer expertise, compassion, practical advice and vigorous protection

Collins Hannafin, P.C. aims to provide compassionate legal solutions across all practice areas, specifically the ones involving our clients’ families. Our divorce attorneys have lectured on the topic and boast more than 80 years of combined practical legal experience. We can answer the toughest questions about the dissolution of your marriage and provide you with practical legal advice to protect your family’s best interests, pre- and post-divorce.

Prenuptial agreements and post-nuptial agreements

Many high-net-worth individuals choose to enter into a prenuptial agreement. These contracts provide the parties contemplating marriage with predictable outcomes regarding property division, alimony, child custody and visitation in the event of marital breakdown. They also set forth whether the spouses would rely on mediation, arbitration or collaborative divorce to resolve the issues not already agreed upon.

The Connecticut courts have recently sanctioned post-nuptial agreements. These agreements can help married couples resolve financial and parenting issues during the marriage so couples can better focus on saving their marriage.

Like all enforceable contracts, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements require compliance with all basic principles of contract law.

Modification of divorce, custody and child support

Family law acknowledges that circumstances change, and so can periodic orders of alimony and support and custody orders. If a party demonstrates that a substantial change in circumstances has occurred, the court considers a petition to modify the terms of the decree affected by that change.

Modification of the divorce decree regarding child custody and visitation occurs only if it is in the best interests of the child. For example, when a custodial parent petitions for relocation, the court considers whether the relocation advances the best interests of the child, because it affects the other parent’s visitation rights and relationship with the child.

Rely on our experienced family law attorneys to defend your rights during your divorce

Call Collins Hannafin, P.C. at 203-885-1938 to speak with one of our attorneys and learn more about your divorce options or make an appointment. We also provide an online contact form here, and serve clients in Danbury, Ridgefield, New Milford, Bethel, Newtown, New Fairfield, and Sherman.

Our family law attorneys include Eva M. DeFranco, Laura A. Goldstein and Robert M. Opotzner.


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